Pedro Araújo

Postdoc in Combinatorics
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
E-mail: pedro (small point that indicates end of sentences) araujo (letter 'a' inside a circle) cvut (same small point) cz
Google Scholar
Research Interests
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Before that I was a postdoc in the Institute of Theoretical Computer Sciences (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences and a PhD student at IMPA under advisement of Rob Morris. My research focuses on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics. In particular, I am interested in the study of Ramsey Theory, random graphs, pseudo-random structures, graph expansion and tree embeddings.For teaching: Here is a google form to receive feedback from students: SPILL THE BEANS
P. Araújo, L.Mattos
ArXiv (Version 1: easier,longer,weaker. Version 2: stronger,shorter, fancy tools)
P. Araújo, S. Griffiths, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke
P. Araújo, M. Pavez-Signé, N. Sanhueza-Matamala
Random Structures and Algorithms. ArXiv
P. Araújo, J. Hladký, EK Keat, M. Šileikis
Random Structures and Algorithms. ArXiv
P. Araújo, L. Moreira, M. Pavez-Signé
Random Structures and Algorithms. ArXiv
P. Araújo, S. Piga, M. Schacht
P. Araújo, F. Botler, G. O. Mota
Submitted. ArXiv
P. Araújo, Y. Kohayakawa, T. Martins, M. Mattos, W. Mendonça, L. Moreira, G. Mota
Conferences and Workshops
Contact me
In every edition of the Random Structures and Algorithms conference, they hold the so-called 'Random run'. For the first time in 2022, they gave a the 'Random Runner' prize, given to an randomly chosen runner, which happened to be me. As prize, this shows that I possess some abnormal amount of luck, which is perhaps one of the most important skills for someone in Probabilistic Combinatorics. Up to this day, this remain as one my biggest strenghts.Contact me
Pedro Campos Araújo
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague
Department of Mathematics (Trojanova 13), room 434
Prague, Czech Republic
Last Update: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 06:49:31 GMT